April Meeting at Nova Southeastern University

Speaker: Michael Brown

Topic: Security Risk Assessments

Summary: This presentation will go over the basics of how security risk assessments are conducted by someone who has done them for many years. While these can be done against various regulations and standards (HIPAA, NIST CSF, ISO 27001, etc), no specific one will be used. We’ll go over the assessment process from start to finish.

Speaker’s Bio:
Michael R Brown has been involved in IT for over 2 decades, with more than half of the time in Information Security, moving from being a site security administrator to a global security architect for a multi-national company. He currently works as Security & Compliance Director at FRG – Financial Recovery Group, shepherding the organization’s Security & Regulatory compliance program. Over the years, Michael has contributed to information security in multiple ways, from authoring various publications, through presenting at conferences to serving as past President and the current Secretary of SFISSA. When it comes to the security industry validation of one’s knowledge and skills, Michael is literarily a man of letters—having acquired over 12 certifications, including GIAC (SANS), HCISPP (ISC2) and CISSP (ISC2). To Learn more about or to connect with him, please visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelrbrown1/ .

Afterwards, we will have our usual networking portion afterwards, at the Falcon Pub